TLC Animal Hospital
Think your cat may be nauseated? These conditions, illnesses and diseases could explain why your pet doesn't feel well.
How's your pet's diet?
Wondering what you can do about your dog's arthritis?
Wondering why your pet is lame? Your veterinarian can provide the answer.
Does your dog have sores in its mouth? Stomatitis, an oral health condition, could be to blame. Dental cleanings and home dental care can help ease your pet's painful symptoms.
Adopting a pet? You need to know about the 3-3-3 rule.
Think cataracts only happen to people? Your cat could also develop this eye problem.
Don't have plans for National Senior Pet Month yet? Try these suggestions.
This simple form of exercise could make your dog one happy pup.
Wondering what you can do to help your teething pet?
Could core vaccines help your dog avoid serious illness or death?
Should you buy dry food for your cat or is wet food better?
Noticed a sudden change in your cat's grooming habits? Over- or under-grooming can be a sign of trouble.
Do you know how spaying and neutering can protect your pet's health?
Does your pet hate being alone? A visit to the veterinarian could help.
Is daycare right for your pet?
1851 Lee Trevino Dr, El Paso, TX 79936
(915) 592-6200